Hemigraphis alternata ‘Snow White’ is also known as Purple Waffle Plant. Indeed a lovely colorful houseplant. For instance, her light green foliage is variegated with white and pink edges. Additionally, her undersides are a stunning magenta-purple.
Particularly popular since its metallic foliage cascades beautifully. Indeed the perfect plant for hanging baskets or placed on a shelf.
Purple Waffle, Metal Leaf, Hemigraphis colorata, Waffle plant, Red Flame Ivy, Cemetery Plant, Purple Waffle Plant, Red Flame, Red Ivy
As if this plant was pretty enough, exquisite bell-shaped, white flowers bloom in summer. In addition to its beauty, purple waffle plants are fairly easy to grow indoors. Definitely try this plant as an attractive groundcover in warmer climates.
- Perennial
- 6-8″ tall
- 12-24″ wide
- USDA 10-11
Quick Care Guide
Snow White Waffle plants can be a bit fussy at times. Definitely not suggested as a first time plant parent in my opinion. However, once you have mastered some beginner houseplants then do add this colorful stunner to your collection.
Sun Exposure
Part shade
Water Needs
Keep consistently moist
Soil Needs
Rich, well-draining
60-80°F (15-26°C)
Soil pH
6.1-6.5 Acid - Neutral
Foliage Color
Evergreen Other: pink, green, and white
Foliage Season
Flower Color
Flower Season
Snow White Waffle plants love bright, indirect light. Or, partial shade outside works too. Although, keep away from direct sunlight as leaves may scorch and sunburn.
Direct sun can also cause Hemigraphis alternata leaves to fade, Thus, losing their rich vibrant colors.
Additionally, waffle plants also do well under artificial lights. Therefore they make perfect plants for offices.
Waffle Plants enjoy a moderate amount of moisture in the soil at all times. Never let the soil become soggy, as this can cause root rot and kill your plant. A perfect example of the desired moisture is a sponge that has been wrung out. The rule of thumb is to water when the top half-inch of soil has dried out. Keep in mind that container plants will generally need more frequent watering than those planted in the ground.
‘Snow White’ loves warm temperatures and high humidity. Indoors a temperature between 60-80°F (15-26°C) will make them happy. Bring plants indoors before temperatures dip below 50°F (10°C) as they are frost sensitive. Avoid drafts or any extreme temperatures.
If you need to increase the humidity try occasionally misting your Waffle Plant in the morning. Another great option is to place your pot in a tray full of pebbles and water. Just as long as the bottom of the pot isn’t touching the water. A perfect addition to a warm steamy bathroom.
Organic potting soil that is rich and well draining is perfect for waffle plants. If planted in the ground add a layer of compost to enrich the soil. A pH range from 6.1-6.5 (acidic – neutral) is best.
A slow-release houseplant fertilizer will provide a steady diet of nitrogen, phosphate, and potassium for healthy growth and strong roots. Fertilize purple waffle plants at least a few times a year to keep it happy and healthy. If grown in a bright area feel free to fertilize more often.
Waffle plants are fast growers, forming new roots at each growth node as it spreads. Propagation is a no-brainer for plants that spread this way. Choose a healthy, actively growing stem and cut 3-4 inches off. Cut just below one of the nodes.
If you take a stem that lies close to the soil, roots may already be forming. Strip off any leaves on the bottom half of the cutting. If preferred, dip your cutting in a rooting hormone (optional). Plant your cutting in a pot with rich potting soil and good drainage. Keep it consistently damp until you see new growth.
Waffle plants are able to resist most pests. Occasionally, whiteflies or scale insects appear. Blast them loose with a hard spray of water.
If that does not eradicate them, then a horticultural oil or an insecticidal soap should do the trick. Additionally, trim damaged leaves or stems. Learn more about pest eradication here.
Within the Hemigraphis species there are approximately 40 varieties. In fact, most originate from the tropical jungles of Southeast Asia. Here are some of the most common:
Purple Waffle Plant (Hemigraphis alternata): Indeed the most common variety. Green-gray topped foliage, with purple or magenta on the bottom of the leaves. Reddish-purple stems extend outward from the center of the plant.
Belgian Waffle (Hemigraphis alternata Belgian Waffle): Leaf tops are green and edged with a cream color. The middle of the leaves are mottled with patterns of green and cream. Hints of purple peer out from beneath the leaves.
Snow White Waffle Plant (Hemigraphis Snow White): Light green foliage is dappled with white and pink edges. Alternatively, the undersides sport deep magenta-purple hues.
Dragon’s Tongue (Hemigraphis repanda): This unique terrarium plant is often sold as a true aquatic plant. Hemigraphis repanda (pronounced hem-ee-GRAF-iss REP-an-duh) features thin, grassy-looking leaves that alternate colors of purple or green. Additionally, the edges of the foliage ripple. A low, spreading plant that is often grown as an annual ground cover in shaded spots.
Hemigraphis Moonlight (Hemigraphis colorata): Deep green-purple leaves have a shimmering touch of silver highlights. Since it is a low growing plant, it is perfectas a ground cover or in garden beds.
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