Nerve Plant, Mosaic plant, Fittonia, Painted Net Leaf, Jewel Plant
Fittonia albivenis
Fittonia is commonly known as the Mosaic plant or the Nerve Plant. This trailing stunner has deeply veined leaves. Those veins can be white or deep pink, which makes each leaf look like a mosaic or stained-glass window. This tiny plant thrives in containers because it stays small. Ideal for terrariums and small pots.
Nerve Plants do not mind a low-light spot. They appreciate regular watering and wilt quickly, and somewhat dramatically, when dry. Happily, they perk back up just as fast. If you’re new to watering, fittonias might be a good fit for you because they’re so communicative the way they droop and bounce back with water.
- Perennial
- H: 6″-12″
- W: 12″-15″
- USDA 10a-11
Sun Exposure
Mostly Sun - Shade
Water Needs
Average, Well-Drained
Soil Needs
Average warmth between 65-75°
Special Situation
Not Frost Hardy
Foliage Color
White, Green, Pink, Variegated
Foliage Season
Flower Color
Flower Season

Ideally Nerve Plants should be placed in bright, indirect light. They can handle lower light placements (but may lose some of their vibrancy). They’ll quickly burn in direct sunlight but they do well under fluorescent grow lights.
They appreciate regular watering and wilt quickly, and somewhat dramatically, when dry. Happily, they perk back up just as fast. If you’re new to watering, Fittonias might be a good fit for you because they’re so communicative the way they droop and bounce back with water.
Nerve Plants love high, constant humidity and a high temperature. In fact, they can be pretty sensitive to it. They can be grown as a houseplant under the right conditions, but do much better in a sealed terrarium container.
Fittonia should grow happily in a substrate that’s suitable for tropical plants. That means a substrate that retains moisture well, but also has plenty of drainage.
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