eddy Bear Vine - Cyanotis kewensis or Cyanotis beddomei

Teddy Bear Vine (Cyanotis kewensis or Cyanotis beddomei)

Cyanotis kewensis or Cyantosis beddomei is commonly known as Teddy Bear Vine. Specifically because of its trailing stems with fuzzy tear-drop-shaped chocolate-brown leaves.








Cyanotis kewensis (Sy-an-NOH-tiss Kew-EN-sis, Tonningia kewensis


Prefers bight light, and morning sun is best.


Water when the top inch of soil is dry.


Stem cuttings or plant division.


Spring and summer months.

Watch our fuzzy succulent video below or keep reading!

Because of the Teddy Bear Vine’s growth shape, it is perfect for growing in hanging baskets. Specifically, in front of a bright window or under fluorescent lights. Additionally, it can be grown on a flat surface, such as a tabletop where stems can grow horizontally. 

It is a relatively slow grower, so need to worry about this trailing houseplant getting out of control. 

Cyanotis kewensis teddy bear vine
Cyanotis kewensis "Teddy Bear Vine"

Teddy Bear Vine Light

The Teddy Bear Vine plant prefers bright light. In most areas, it can take some direct sun on the leaves through a window. Although, morning sun is best. Rather than harsh afternoon rays that can cause sunburn

Like most houseplants, you can grow teddy bear vine well under plant grow lights, as well as regular fluorescent lights. Thus, making it a good choice for offices or in low light areas indoors. 

Teddy Bear Vine Water

Water Teddy Bear Vine when the top inch or so of the potting mix is dry. If you are unsure about watering teddy bear vine, it is best to let it stay consistently a little too dry than a little too wet. A moisture meter is a foolproof way to water as well. 

Teddy Bear Vine Fertilizer

Fertilize your Teddy Bear Vine in spring and summer months if you want to encourage growth. Use a general-purpose houseplant fertilizer. Be sure to always follow the instructions on the packaging. 

Cyanotis kewensis
Cyanotis kewensis

Teddy Bear Vine Propagation

Cyanotis kewensis can be propagated via stem cuttings or through division. I find stem cuttings are the most practical way.

First, cut off a small part of the stem with a few pair of leaves. Remove any lower leaves. Then, allow the stem to dry for a few days to allow the ends to callous over. 

Pro tip: Dip the ends of the cutting (or single leaves) in a rooting hormone to promote the development of roots.

Next, place the cutting in soil or water. If in water, change the water weekly. In soil, wait to water for 2 weeks then resume watering.

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