Peperomia prostrata (pronounced pep-er-ROH-mee-uh prost-RAY-tuh) is also known as String of Turtles. A miniature vining species. Tiny, bead-like leaves are fleshy. And, succulent to the touch. Additionally, emerging along creeping, pinkish vines. Definitely, one of our favorites in the genus. In fact, it’s one of the trendiest Peperomias to emerge recently.
Often called the Sting of Turtles. Of course, for its shell-like pattern. Additionally, round dark green to purple leaves are patterned in white veins. Furthermore, this prolific propagator roots easily. Also, native to the rainforests of Brazil. Definitely beautiful in hanging planters, where it cascades over the sides of the container.
- Perennial
- Hanging/Trailing
- H: 12-24″ (30-61 cm)
- W: 8-12″ (20-30 cm)
USDA Zone 10-12
Sun Exposure
Filtered / Partial Sun, Bright Indoor Light
Water Needs
Average Water Needs, water regularly, do not overwater
Soil Care
Well-Drained, Rich
Foliage Color
Green, lime
Foliage Season
Flower Color
There are over 1500+ Peperomia (pronounced pep-er-ROH-mee-uh) varieties. Particularly grown for their leaves. Rather than their flowers. In fact, plants are native to tropical and subtropical regions around the globe. Additionally, read more about the many different Peperomia varieties here.
Place your Peperomia in bright, indirect sunlight. In fact, the peperomia plant even tolerates low light at times. However, avoid placing this trailing beauty in direct sunlight as it can sunburn. In addition to that, the leaves will yellow and the plant will become stressed.
Alternatively, if the plant is not provided with enough bright light, it will tend to become leggy. Specifically, creating gaps between the leaves and stretching itself towards available light. Nevertheless, move the plant to a brighter location if this happens.
Water your Peperomia prostrata thoroughly. In particular, make sure that the soil is evenly moist. If the top 1-2 inches of soil is dry to the touch, then it is time to water. Next, allow water to flow through the pot’s drainage holes. Furthermore, avoid overwatering your plant. Whereas, it will bring about root rot problems.
Alternatively, the plant has almost little to no watering needs in winter. Therefore, water your peperomia plant sparingly. When in doubt, be sure to use a moisture meter. Definitely inexpensive and very helpful for new plant parents.
Peperomias prefer high humidity and temperatures from 55° to 80° F (13°-27° C). During colder months with low humidity, set the plant on a pebble tray of water. Or, place it near a humidifier. In addition, the indoor plant is winter hardy to USDA zones 10 to 12.
Like most Peperomias, prostrata grows best in fertile, well draining soil. Be sure to not use soil that is too compacted or heavy. In fact, this can result in prolonged periods of water retention. Specifically, resulting in root rot. Furthermore, improve the texture and drainage by adding pumice or perlite to your soil.
During the growing season, Peperomia prostratas will appreciate a diluted liquid fertilizer. Specifically, every two weeks or once a month. However, no feeding is required in the cold, chilly season.
Also, when your peperomia is ready for repotting, be sure to add some fresh potting soil. Additionally, this will replenish the peperomia’s nutrients. Furthermore, repot your String of Turtles after it doubles in size, or every 2-3 years.
The genus name Peperomia comes from 2 Greek words. Peperi meaning pepper and homoios meaning resembling. Furthermore, its specific epithet Prostrata, is derived from the Latin word prosterno. Meaning ‘prostrate’. Of course referring to the creeping growth habit of the plant. As well as that, common names include String of Turtles and Turtle Plant.
In closing, we hope you enjoyed learning about the String of Turtles plant. Of course the Peperomia prostrata is a great looking plant. Absolutely one of our favorite succulents around. Indeed a perfect trailing addition to any plant collection. Learn more about other trailing or hanging plants here.
Furthermore, if you’d like to read more about growing houseplants, I’ve listed some other articles that you might be interested in below.

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