Indeed, String succulents are beautiful trailing in hanging planters. For example, some of our favorites are String of Pearls, String of Bananas, and String of Turtles. Of course, these String Succulents like bright indirect light. Additionally, if outdoors, they like shaded areas. Also, with some direct morning light or bright indirect light.
However, indoor they like to be near a window. Indeed, with strong natural light. Undoubtedly beautiful hanging, trailing, or on a vine. Definitely a perfect addition to succulent arrangements. Or, in hanging baskets.
Ceropegia woodii is a string succulent commonly known as String of Hearts. Additionally, it is also known as Chain of Hearts, Rosary Vine, or Sweetheart Vine. Indeed, due to its adorable heart-shaped leaves. Also, this hanging plant is a native of South Africa.
Gorgeous patterned, heart-shaped leaves, are occasionally lined with bright light blue. In excellent lighting conditions, leaves will be a deep green color. However, when they do not get enough light, leaves will fade to pale green. In fact, leaves trail endlessly on long cascading vines.
String of Hearts are perfect in hanging baskets a few feet up. Or, trailing as a vine in a pot. Definitely a favorite among hanging plant collectors. And not just around Valentine’s Day.
Furthermore, String of Hearts produces flowers in shades of light magenta with deep purple centers. Look for them in spring and summer. Definitely a ‘sweetheart’ among indoor plants.
String of Hearts for Sale:
The Ceropegia woodii Variegata also known as Variegated String of Hearts or Variegated Rosary Vine. Indeed, it loves bright light. Although, it takes time and light for this plant to get more pink. Definitely more rare and a bit more expensive than the non-variegated version. Furthermore, a little slower at growing than the non-variegated version. Trailing purple stems form tubers at the node. And, beautiful white-pink-gray fleshy heart-shaped leaves.
Variegated String of Hearts for Sale:
String of Hearts Silver Glory produces silver-colored leaves. Edges are a slightly darker shade. Additionally, they may have some purple flushing on the underside.
‘Silver Glory’ is a tuberous, evergreen string succulent. Producing long, trailing shoots with heart-shaped leaves. Undoubtedly, a very popular hanging plant. Definitely because of its delicate silver heart-shaped leaves. Also, for its beautiful trailing habit.
The Ceropegia Woodii Orange River prefers bright, indirect light. Although, without prolonged exposure to direct sun. However, a touch of morning sunlight is welcomed. Indeed, Orange River String of Hearts are beautiful.
For example, green leaves are heart-shaped. Of course, you won’t necessarily see much orange color as the name might suggest. In fact, the leaves are mainly green. Indeed, if stressed, a subtle orange hue can be seen on the leaves. Additionally the under leaves. Likewise, growing along thin vines that cascade.
Orange River has more spade-shaped leaves. In addition, it can blush orange in high light. Finally, it is a fast grower. Comparable to the original String of Hearts.
Ceropegia woodii ‘Orange River’ for Sale:
The Ceropegia linearis is commonly known as String of needles. Definitely an easy to care for hanging succulent. Additionally, it features very thin leaves on long stems. Also, an incredibly fast grower. Comparable to the original String of Hearts. Undoubtedly, a true collectors plant.
Ceropegia linearis for Sale:
The Ceropegia linearis woodii is called String of Daggers. Obviously, as the leaves are shaped like daggers. It differs from the standard species by its more elongated leaves. Also, for its different coloring. Although, the care is similar.
The Daggers plant makes an excellent house plant. Specifically, for its durability. For example, its low maintenance. And, can withstand neglect and dry air. Also, it can withstand droughts. In addition, it can bounce back with a single watering.
Ceropegia linearis woodii for Sale:
The Ceropegia woodii ‘Heartless’ is also known as String of Spades. Also, C. woodii ‘Heartless’, ‘Durban’, or ‘Mini Star’. Of course, it shares some similar characteristics to the original String of Hearts. However, there are also some differences. First, the leaves are actually a brighter green. Second, they have an even lighter green mottling. Finally, they have burgundy undersides. Although, very light pink stems.
Ceropegia woodii for Sale:
Watch our Hanging Succulent video below or keep reading!
The Crassula pellucida is a lovely trailing succulent. Heart-shaped leaves shade from green to purple. Furthermore, in the wild, these creep along the ground to spread. Also, you will see fine, aerial roots sprouting from the stems. Additionally, they spread well as a ground cover in frost-free climates. Moreover they make perfect “spillers” in container arrangements.
Crassula pellucida for Sale:
4” Plant Calico Kitten, Crassula Pellucida Purple and Green Heart Shaped
The Variegated Calico Kitten has heart-shaped leaves. They are layered on long, narrow stems. Namely in shades of rosy pink, creamy white, and green. Additionally, stems arc to the ground as they grow. In fact, exposure to direct sun deepens the pink color.
Furthermore, dainty white flowers bloom in spring. And, occasionally throughout the season. Finally, Calico Kitten plants are easy to grow inside or out.
Crassula pellucida ‘Variegata’ for Sale:
Ceropegia ampliata
The Ceropegia Ampliata is commonly known as ‘Bushman’s Pipe’. A perennial twiner or scrambler. Furthermore, stems arise from a fleshy, tuberous rootstock. Also, stems are green and hairless. Additionally, white to green flowers appear in late summer.
The tubular flowers are lined inside, with downward pointing hairs. As a bonus, they temporarily trap insects. Then, they are then released the next day covered with pollen.
The Ceropegia Sandersonii has dark green leaves. As well as long trailing stems. Also known as Parachute plant. Additionally, it produces a unique green parachute bloom. Finally, it makes a great hanging plant.
Ceropegia Sandersonii for Sale:
Ceropegia Sandersonii, 6″ Plant
Ceropegia Sandersonii common name(s):
Parachute Plant
The Crassula ‘Imperialis’ forms densely branched stems. Similar to Crassula mucosa. However, it appears to be thicker. Especially, with tight watch-chain stems. Furthermore, the Giant Watch Chain retains its leaves throughout the year.
Additionally, it can grow up to 8 inches (20 cm). Indeed, a great mat-forming succulent plant. Furthermore, little yellow-green flower bloom from late summer to late fall.
Crassula Imperialis for Sale:
The Crassula muscosa is also known as Crassula lycopodioides. Additionally as Princes Pine or Watch Chain. Absolutely a sparingly to densely branched succulent. Furthermore, it features erect to curvy stems. It grows up to 10 inches (25cm). Finally, it will produce tiny yellow-green flowers when it blooms.
Buy it: Princess Pine Succulent Plant – Crassula muscosa – 2.5″ Pot
Crassula muscosa common name(s):
Watch Chain, Princess Pine, Crassula muscosa, Crassula Princess Pine
The String of Buttons plant is native to South Africa. First, it starts growing straight. Then, it tends to crawl or spread. Of course, when it is fully grown. Definitely a great filler for the arrangements.
Stems and leaves appear to be stacked on top of each other. Additionally, foliage also has red rims. Indeed, giving it an attractive look. Finally, it blooms in spring with small, star-shaped, white to yellowish flowers.
Senecio rowleyanus is commonly called String of Pearls. Technically its scientific name is Curio rowleyanus. Undoubtedly, an all-time hanging succulent favorite. Definitely for its chubby, bead-like, pearl leaves. In fact, they can cascade several feet.
String of Pearls is a popular and low-maintenance plant hanging plant. Absolutely perfect to grow in a sunny window. Although, partial or filtered sun is ideal. However, they are prone to sunburn if exposed to direct sun. Specifically, if there is not gradual acclimation.
It is a slow-growing variety. But, your patience will be rewarded. Of course, water when the surface is dry. And, if you forget to water, they can be forgiving. Learn how to Propagate String of Pearls in this post.
Variegated Curio (formerly Senecio) is is also known as Variegated String of Pearls. Especially for its shades of cream, white, and even pink. Furthermore, the thin, string-like stems, can cascade several feet. Also, this species is native to South Africa. Additionally, it grows as ground cover in the shade of rocky outcroppings.
Senecio rowleyanus variegata for Sale:
The Senecio citriformis is distinct from other plants. Indeed, because of its foliage. For example, it is round and tear-shaped. Also, the ends are tapered like a lemon. Additionally, leaves are glaucous and blue-green in color.
In fact, leaves actually stand upright on branches. Growing about 4 inches (10 cm) tall. Furthermore, this plant sends up tall bloom stalks with white, pom-pom-like flowers.
Curio citriformis for Sale:
The Dischidia nummularia is commonly called String of Nickels. In fact, ‘nummularia’ means coin-shaped. Leaves are green to bluish gray. Additionally, they are flat and round. Hence, giving them the appearance of coins. Absolutely perfect in hanging baskets. Or, cascading down the sides of a planter.
Dischidia nummularia for Sale:
The Dischidia nummularia ‘Ideaminubu’ is a unique plant. Also, commonly called “Dragon Jade”. Obviously, for it’s tightly knit leaves that resemble dragon scales. Additionally, it has small roots which love to climb.
Dischidia nummularia common names:
Dragon Bubble, Dragon Jade, Medusa Plant, Pangolin kisses, Dischidia nummularia ‘Pangolin Kisses’, Dischidia ‘Pangolin Kisses’, Dischidia nummularia ‘Dragon Jade’
The Dischidia oiantha variegata is a trailing epiphyte. Additionally, it has soft silver-green leaves and white margins. This plant will do best in a humid environment. Indeed with bright filtered light. Also, with a well draining potting medium. Finally, Dischidia oiantha Variegata blooms with clusters of tiny white flowers. In particular, located at the nodes of stems.
Buy it: Rare Variegated Orianthi Succulent Plant – Dischidia oiantha variegata
The Dischidia Ruscifolia is commonly known as Million Hearts. In fact, this species of Dischidia has many small, heart-shaped leaves. Additionally, they line both sides of thin trailing stems.
Furthermore, its flowers are small. In fact, they grow between a leaf and the stem. Finally, if grown under intense light, leaves will develop a red tinge.
Pink Ice Plant is also known as Oscularia deltoides or Lampranthus deltoides. In fact, this low growing succulent originates from South Africa. Definitely popular for its lovely lilac flowers. Additionally for its silvery blue leaves and purple-pink stems.
Furthermore, use in rock gardens, hanging baskets or as a ground cover. However, it needs porous soil with good drainage. Finally, water thoroughly when soil is dry.
Pink Ice Plant for Sale:
The Othonna Capensis is also known as ‘Ruby Necklace’. A trailing variety with fat, bean-shaped leaves. Additionally, hanging on stems up to 2 feet (61 cm) long. Furthermore, the plant can flush shades of magenta. Indeed, when moderately stressed. For instance, by direct sun, drought, or cool temperatures . Specifically around 50°F (10°C).
Fine, white tufts of hair grow in the crevices between stems and leaves. Also, it produces small, yellow blooms. In addition, it easily re-roots from stem cuttings.
Othonna capensis For Sale:
The Pilea glauca has small blue leaves. In addition it has contrasting red stems. Definitely makes an excellent windowsill plant or planted in a hanging basket. Finally, grow in bright, indirect light. Above all, keep evenly moist. Not wet or dry.
Pilea glauca for sale:
The Peperomia Pepperspot has glossy-green leaves. Additionally, stems are tinged with red. Furthermore, it is easy to care for. Especially great for beginners.
Buy it: Peperomia ‘Pepperspot’
The Peperomia prostrata is a miniature hanging plant species. Tiny, bead-like leaves are fleshy and succulent. In fact, they emerge on creeping, pinkish vines. Definitely, one of our favorite trailing succulents.
Often called the Sting of Turtles. Of course, for its shell-like pattern. Furthermore, this prolific propagator roots easily. Also, native to the rainforests of Brazil.
Finally, read about more detailed String of Turtles care here.
String of Turtles for Sale:
‘Little Missy’ is a delicate Sedum variety. Indeed a mat-forming succulent that works well as a ground cover. Also, it looks great in hanging platers as well.
This evergreen perennial forms loose rosettes with broadly ovate to rounded leaves. As a bonus, it also has pink-flushed, pale green margins. Finally, clusters of pink flowers bloom in summer.
Sedum Little Missy for Sale:
The Sedum morganianum is also known as Burro’s Tail. Also, referred to as Sedum Burrito. Definitely one of the best-loved trailing succulents.
Furthermore, its pendant stems grow up to 3 feet (91cm) long. In fact, stems are covered with chubby, bead-like, green leaves. Also, it resembles its cousin, Donkey’s Tail. Although, with shorter, rounder leaves.
Burros Tail for Sale:
The Sedum morganianum usually has silvery, lime-green leaves. Also, this trailing plant has long stems. Indeed, densely covered with overlapping leaves. Although, bright sun can bring out a yellow tint. Undoubtedly striking when grown in hanging baskets or cascading. Donkey’s Tail is similar to Burrito. However, it has longer, pointier leaves.
Sedum morganianum for Sale:
The Sedum Pachyphyllum is also known as Green Jelly Bean Sedum. Indeed a cute succulent. Of course for its short, chubby, silvery-green leaves. As a bonus, they have red tips when grown in full sun. Furthermore, it has a shrubbing habit. And, it can grow bushes up to 1 foot (30 cm) tall. However, it may become leggy with age. Additionally, leaves and stems can be easily propagated. Finally, in summer, it produces clusters of bright yellow flowers.
Jelly Bean Plant for Sale:
‘Angelina’ is a true standout. Definitely for her brilliant golden yellow foliage. Indeed a low growing, mat forming ground cover. Also, needle-like leaves look like a yellow, miniature spruce.
Additionally, yellow flowers appear in midsummer on tall bloom stalks. Absolutely perfect in landscaping. Furthermore, it’s low maintenance and looks Sedum rupestre ‘Angelina’ for Sale:good year-round.
Sedum rupestre ‘Angelina’ for Sale:
The Sedum rubrotinctum ‘Aurora’ is commonly called Pink Jelly Bean. Indeed a long-time soft sedum favorite. Of course, for its round, fleshy leaves that spiral up its stem. Additionally, it varies from pale green to pink and cream. As a bonus, bright pigments appear in bright sunlight. Undoubtedly, it makes a perfect colorful accent in arrangements. Finally, in summer, Sedum Rubrotinctum ‘Aurora” produces clusters of lemon yellow flowers.
Sedum rubrotinctum for Sale:
The Sedum Sieboldii is also known as October Daphne. Uniquely it grows mound-like. Then, it spreads out in horizontal branches from the center. Furthermore, leaves have a blue-green hue. In addition to its pink margins. Also, during the hot summer months, the margins intensify to deep pink.
Equally important are its bright purple-pink flowers. In fact, star-shaped blooms appear in early fall. Of course in the right conditions, its fall foliage turns beautiful shades. For example pink, red, yellow, and orange. As a matter of fact, frosty temperatures also bring out pink in the leaves. Undoubtedly, Sedum Sieboldii is a stunning trailing succulent.
Sedum Sieboldii for Sale:
The Sedum spurium is commonly called Dragon’s Blood. Typically it has green leaves. However, margins turn a brilliant red with cool autumn temperatures. Additionally, deep red flowers contrast with the green leaves in warm weather.
Indeed superb as a groundcover, border, or rock garden subject. Also, it works well in containers as a hanging plant. Definitely evergreen, except in the coldest climates.
Sedum spurium for Sale:
The Senecio herreianus is also known as String of watermelons. Additionally, String of Beads, or String of Tears. Indeed, a mat forming succulent. With oval, pointed, bead-like leaves. Of course, it is similar to the more common Senecio rowleyanus. In fact, with many of the same common names. However, leaves are larger, more elongate, and more glaucous. Furthermore, stems are thicker, stiffer, and somewhat more erect.
Senecio herreianus for Sale:
The Senecio ‘Hippogriff’ is often labeled Senecio peregrinus or Dendrophorbium peregrinum. Additionally, commonly called String of Dolphins. In fact, a hybrid of the String of Pearls and the Candle Plant (Senecio articulatus). Similarly, you’ll also notice a resemblance to the string of fish hooks and the string of bananas.
Without a doubt, leaves look like tiny, little dolphins jumping. Furthermore, it can send up bloom stalks. Especially, with pompom-like clusters of tiny white flowers.
Trailing Jade is actually not a Jade plant at all. In fact, its botanical name is Senecio jacobsenii. Prounounced Sen-NEE-see-oh jay-kob-sen-ee-eye. Additionaly, known as Weeping Jade or Kleinia petraea. Also, native to the highlands of Tanzania and Kenya. Likewise, it creeps along as a ground cover. Similarly, in cultivation, it shines in hanging pots. Of course, allowing its thick stems to form a dense cascades. In fact, some up to 4 feet (1.2 meters) long.
Buy it: Senecio jacobsenii
String of Bananas is a trailing succulent. Also, native to South Africa. In fact, a great trailing addition in arrangements & hanging baskets. Additionally, long stems are lined with banana-shaped leaves. Each of which has a translucent crescent or “leaf window”. As a result, this lets sunlight into the leaf interior.
Furthermore, it usually blooms between October and December. Not only are flowers pompom-like clusters tiny and white, but they also smell like cinnamon.
Senecio radicans for Sale:
The String of Fishhooks is a trailing succulent. Indeed, a member of the Senecio family from South Africa. In fact, t has cute fish hook-like leaves. Hence, its common name.
Undoubtedly, confused with String of Bananas. In particular, because they both share the same botanical name ‘Senecio Radicans’. However, Fishhooks typically has longer skinnier leaves.
Also, a perfect plant in a hanging basket, windowsill, or shelf.
Senecio radicans for Sale:
The Xerosicyos Danguyi is known as String of Coins. Certainly, because the leaves are coin-shaped. In fact, this trailing succulent is a member the cucumber family.
Definitely the perfect ‘spiller’ plant in an arrangement or hanging planter. Indeed, as they cascade over the sides. Finally, String of Coins thrive in bright, indirect light.
Xerosicyos Danguyi for Sale:

In closing, we hope you enjoyed these trailing or hanging succulents. Absolutely some of our favorite succulents around. Of course, leave any variety we may have missed in the comments. Furthermore, we hope you join us again soon.
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