The Philodendron Joepii (pronounced yoop-EE-eye) is an exotic climber whose leaves grow approximately 27 inches (70 cm) long with optimal care. It is extremely rare and considered to be almost extinct in the wild. In fact, it is still under scientific investigation. Therefore, it has not been officially scientifically identified.
This plant is named after Joep Moonen who discovered it in French Guiana in 1991. Specifically, during an ecological tour of the Mararoni River. In fact, it was growing in an ant’s nest.
The Dutch botanist and researcher was intrigued by the strangely shaped leaves. Initially, he assumed the leaves had been chewed by insects. Finally, after searching extensively for more plants, he was only able to locate one more plant.
Joep believed it to be a natural hybrid between Philodendron bipennifolium and Philodendron pedatum. Indeed a prolific grower and easy to care for.
Joepii prefers medium, indirect light. However, it will also tolerate lower light levels. Well-draining soil is best and water every one to two weeks. Temperatures between 65-75°F (18-23°C) are preferred.