The Philodendron Pink Princess is a rare hybrid with glossy heart-shaped variegated leaves. Specifically, bubble gum pink, chocolate brown, and dark green. In fact, giving Pink Princess bright indirect light and high humidity will help produce dreamy pink foliage. Also known as Philodendron erubescens ‘Pink Princess’.
- Perennial
- Aroid
- H: 2′-4′
- 10a-11
Sun Exposure
Bright Indirect to Shade
Water Needs
Even Moisture - Regular
Soil Care
Special Situation
Verticillium Wilt Resistant
Foliage Color
Variegated, Pink
Foliage Season
Looking for a stunning plant that is a real showstopper? Then look no further than the Philodendron erubescens Pink Princess. Pronounced fil-oh-DEN-druhn er-yoo-BESS-kens.
Specifically grown for her dark green leaves and bright pink variegation. Indeed perfectly named.
Pink Princess plants grow well in hanging baskets or in pots. Not to be mistaken for the Philodendron Pink Congo. In fact, not even in the same class as Pink Princess. Rather a chemically induced pink that fades months later.
Lets review care tips for this low maintenance beauty.
Pink Princess thrives in bright indirect light. Filtered light also works well. However, beware of direct intense sunlight as it can cause sunburn. Of course a few hours of mild sunlight in the early hours of the morning are good.
Definitely six hours of bright indirect light will produce the best variegation.
However, if leaves start turning yellow, it may be getting too much sunlight. Definitely move the plant to a shadier location if you see this. Consequently, older lower leaves naturally yellow as they age.
This should not be cause for alarm if it is only one leaf. Specifically if all the other leaves look healthy.
See Related Article: Save Sunburned Plants
Water your Philodendron erubescens when the top 1-2 inches (2.5-5 cm) is dry. Make sure to thoroughly soak the soil so water drains out the bottom. In particular, water so all the roots get enough moisture.
If you are ever in doubt about watering, use a moisture meter. Indeed inexpensive and easy to use.
Certainly the most common reason for houseplant death is overwatering. The same goes for Pink Princess. In fact, overwatering can lead to root rot, yellowing leaves, or a wilted appearance. Additionally, soggy soil can attract fungus gnats.
Like most tropical plants, the Pink Princess thrives in mild temperatures. Specifically, temperatures between 60°F and 84°F (16°C – 29°C). However, protect from direct heat or cold drafts. Therefore, keep away from air vents, radiators, or open windows.
As with most tropical houseplants, they love humidity. Of course Pink Princess is no different. To increase humidity you can use a humidifier or a pebble humidifier tray.
Additionally, you can mist the plant or group them with other plants to increase humidity. 50% humidity or higher is preferred for Pink Princess.
The best soil for Philodendron erubescens should be moist and well-draining. In fact most potting soil will work. Also, as long as it holds moisture, but does not become soggy. Additionally, adding pumice or perlite will help improve drainage.
Similar to other Philodendron varieties, Pink Princess has aerial roots. Also providing additional nutrients and moisture to the plant like their subterranean roots.
Plants get their food from sunlight (photosynthesis). However, there are other micronutrients and macronutrients that are needed for optimal health. In fact, fertilizers are an easy and effective way to supplement deficiencies.
As a result of lack of nutrients, Pink Princess plants may grow slower and produce smaller leaves. Additionally, the variegation may also lose some vibrancy.
The best type of fertilizer for a Philodendron plant is a balanced liquid fertilizer. I really like Dyna-Gro GROW liquid plant food that was recommended to me by multiple nurseries. Also, because it contains 16 essential minerals for optimum plant growth (11 micro-nutrients).
Feed your plants every 2-4 weeks during spring and summer to encourage healthy growth. No need to fertilize your philodendron in the colder months.
It is super easy to take a Pink Princess Philodendron cutting. First, use sharp clean shears or scissors to prevent infection and contamination. Second, make a cut between two leaves on a healthy stem. I prefer to have at least two leaves on each cutting.
Also, as an option, you can dip the end in rooting hormone to speed up growth. This is not required, but some growers swear by it.
Next, place the Pink Princess Philodendron cutting in water or plant in well-draining soil. Furthermore, keep the new PPP cuttings in a warm environment. However, make sure that it is not in direct sunlight.
Then, water the PPP cuttings frequently if in soil. Also, change out the water weekly if the cutting is growing in water. Additionally, if propagating in water, plant in soil once there are 1-2″ of roots growing.
Surprisingly, a 2-4″ (5-10 cm) Pink Princess plant can sell for $50 or more. In fact, a larger, more impressive plant may sell for $200 or more. Depending on the market, even a small cuttings can go for upwards of $100.
Is Philodendron Pink Congo the same as Pink Princess?
Absolutely not! In fact, the Philodendron Pink Congo plant is a bit shady in my opinion. Of course Pink Congo was developed specifically to rival the pink princess. Indeed they do look very similar.
However, Philodendron Pink Congo has entirely pink leaves. Also, the leaves are a little more pointy on the Pink Congo.
How does Philodendron Pink Congo get solid pink leaves you might ask? In fact it’s a chemically achieved color. Therefore, the pink typically doesn’t even last. Consequently, it can revert back to green in a matter of months.
Why are new leaves on my Pink Princess plant pale?
Typically pale new leaves usually indicate that the plant isn’t getting enough calcium and magnesium. Of course these are essential micro-nutrients for philodendrons.
Why is my Pink Princess slow growing?
Variegated plants always grow slower than the non-variegated version. This is because they produce less chlorophyll. If your Pink Princess is growing slower than normal, add some high quality fertilizer.
Why is Pink Princess Philodendron so expensive?
Definitely expensive! Simply because of supply and demand. Unfortunately a grower cannot always guarantee it will come out pink enough to sell as a ‘Pink Princess”. Sadly, many get kicked to the curb. Specifically buy from a reputable seller.
How long for a Pink Princess cutting to root?
It really depends on a few factors. Your climate, temperature, light, etc. Also, it depends on whether you are rooting it in soil or water. Indeed water will produce roots in a few days to a few weeks depending on your climate.
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