The Philodendron Lemon Lime is also known as Neon Philodendron. They look very similar to Neon Pothos. At first glance it may be hard to tell these two vining house plants apart. In fact, they share the same coloring. However, if you look closely you will see different leaf shapes.
In this article we review differences between Neon Philodendron vs Neon Pothos as well as care instructions. With their beautiful heart-shaped leaves, the Philodendron makes a stunning addition to any home or office.
Regular watering required – weekly, or more often in extreme heat.
Filtered sun, partial shade, partial sun
65-70% humidity or even higher is ideal
Hardy in Zones 9-11. Performs best in temperatures between 65-80°F (18-27°C).
Prefers a well-draining soil
Fertilize plant weekly at 1/2 strength during the growing season with a liquid fertilizer.
Other Names
Philodendron Lime, Philodendron Domesticum Lemon Lime, Philodendron Cordatum Lemon Lime, Golden Brazil, Philodendron Scandens Lemon Lime Plant, Neon Aureum, Lemon Lime Heartleaf Philodendron, Neon Sweetheart Vine
Scientific Name
Philodendron Hederaceum Lemon Lime or Philodendron Cordatum ‘Neon’
Toxic if eaten. Keep away from humans and pets.
Mature plants reach 8-12″ (20-30 cm) tall, 6-8′ (1.8-2.4m) spread
Philodendron Neon plants thrive in bright indirect light and love well-draining soil. However, they also tolerate low light. Additionally, they are very easy to care for and propagate. Indeed a perfect houseplant for beginners.
My favorite thing is that they literally tell you when you are thirsty. Leaves will start to slightly droop when in need of water. Therefore, water your Neon Philodendron as soon as you see the slightest droop or every 1-2 weeks.
All Philodendrons belong to a family of plants called the aroid (Araceae) family. They have bright leaves that grow on vines. Lemon Lime Philodendron plants grow aerial roots and petioles. In fact, their vines can wrap around structures in their surrounding area.
These plants require moist soil. However, not soggy or wet soil. In fact, the goal is to keep the soil moist, while making sure you don’t overwater the plant. Nor, dry the soil out.
Wait until the top few inches of the soil start to dry up before you water the Lemon Lime Philodendron. Then, be sure to give it a good soak, allowing the soil to fully saturate.
Specifically allowing the roots to really soak up the water. I prefer bottom watering for my philodendron plants.
Water weekly during spring and summer. In fact, water even more often if the weather is warmer or more dry than usual. Also, always allow any excess water to completely drain before moving it back to its permanent spot.
If the leaves of your Neon Philodendron start wilting or its leaves begin to curl up, you’ll want to water. These are the initial signs of lack of moisture. In fact, if left unattended, you’ll see its leaves turn brown later on.
Your Lemon Lime Philodendron can come back from being under-watered. However, do not let this happen too often. Indeed causing stress for your plant. Once you water your Neon Philodendron, you will see it perk back up in a day or two.
Overwatering can easily lead to different plant diseases and can cause root rot. In fact, their bright yellow-green color may turn solid yellow if overwatered. Of course this may be hard to tell as their natural color is bright yellow-green. Also, be sure not to let it sit in water for prolonged periods.
Additionally, keep an eye on how moist the soil is before watering your Neon Philodendron. The plant is susceptible to overwatering. Furthermore, if you really want to be sure, use an inexpensive moisture meter. It’s my foolproof way of watering.
Typically whatever humidity is comfortable for you, will work for your Philodendron Neon. However, higher humidity will encourage larger leaves. Ideally 65-70% humidity is preferred in USDA Hardiness zones 9 to 11.
Also, if the air gets too dry indoors, leaf tips may burn and get a bit crispy. Therefore, try misting your philodendron or use a humidifier. Additionally, a tray filled with rocks and water also works.
Neon Philodendron Temperature
Your Neon Philodendron prefers temperatures between 65-80°F (18-26°C. Additionally, at night temperatures above 55°F (12.7°C) are preferred. Keep away from drafts and cold temperatures as it can stunt the growth of your Neon Philodendron.
Alternatively, keep out of extreme heat as well. Temperatures consistently above 95°F (35°C) will not make your Lemon Lime Philodendron happy.
Bright indirect light is preferred for Neon Philodendron plants. However, they can survive in low light environments. Although, growth will be quicker in brighter light.
These beauties are native to the rainforests of South America. Thus, they love filtered light. Outdoors, Neon Philodendron plants prefer at least partial shade.
However, too much light or direct sunlight on your Neon Philodendron leaves can cause sunburn. It may appear a very light yellow and then turn brown. Unfortunately, the spots will never revert back to green.
South and west facing windows may experience more intense sunlight during the afternoon. Therefore, you may need to provide your plant additional protection in these positions.
Philodendron Lemon Lime plants prefer well-draining, nutritious soil. You can use traditional potting mixes amended with perlite or pumice to improve drainage. Additionally, sphagnum peat moss or a combination of perlite, peat, or vermiculite also works well for philodendron plants.
Ideally, you will want the soil to be loose enough so that the roots can grow freely. However, you will want to avoid sandy soils as they will not be loose enough. Even if they might drain better.
If your Neon Philodendron accumulates a lot of water without properly draining, your plant’s roots will suffocate and possibly die. Therefore, when choosing soil, make sure there’s enough drainage. This will prevent waterlogging and the possibility of the plant’s roots sitting in water for prolonged periods.
Lemon Lime Philodendron’s ideal soil pH is roughly 5.0 – 7.0 (neutral to acidic). They like moist soil, especially during the hotter months. Therefore, never let the soil dry out completely, just the top layer.
Most Philodendrons are typically heavy feeders. Therefore, fertilize your Neon Philodendron once a week during the growing season in spring and summer. Specifically, a water soluble fertilizer or a slow release fertilizer, diluted to half strength.
Reduce fertilizer to once every two months in fall and winter. Also, make sure not to overfeed the plant. Thus, resulting in additional salt buildup in the soil or brown or curling leaves. Alternatively, not enough nutrients may produce pale leaves.
Furthermore, always water your Neon Philodendron before you fertilize. Indeed, it is imperative that the soil is moist before fertilizing.
Propagating Neon Philodendron is super easy to do. The best time for propagation is during the growing seasons of spring and summer. In fact, a cutting from your plant can root in soil or it can root in water.
First, clean your shears or scissors to prevent infection and contamination. Then, cut a healthy stem in between two leaves. I like to leave at least two leaves on each section. As an option, you can dip the end in rooting hormone to speed up growth.
Next, place the cutting in water or plant in well-draining soil. Finally, keep the new cutting in a warm environment. However, make sure that it is not in direct sunlight.
Water the philodendron cuttings frequently if in soil. Change the water weekly if cutting is growing in water. Also, if propagating in water, plant in soil once there are significant roots growing.
Lemon Lime Philodendron grows at a medium pace. Therefore, you will not need to prune your plant very often. Although, do remove any dead, discolored, or unsightly leaves.
Always use sharp scissors or shears when pruning. Never twist or rip off leaves, no matter how tempting it may be. It is possible that you may scar your Neon Philodendron if you do so.
To encourage bushier growth, trim back the longest vines and propagate them. This will help stimulate the growth of your Neon Philodendron.
Definitely clean off any dust or dirt on the leaves. I like to use a clean microfiber towel. By cleaning the philodendron leaves, you are allowing light to fully penetrate the surface of the leaf for photosynthesis.
Be sure to repot your Philodendron Lemon Lime every few years. I find the best time for repotting is at the beginning of spring. Giving it enough time to recover from the shock of being moved, yet in time for it to start growing again.
Neon Philodendron plants are ok with being slightly root bound. However, allowing it to grow in overly tight quarters will eventually stress the plant or stunt its growth.
Definitely keep an eye on the roots coming out of the pot’s drainage holes. Or, if you notice your plant stops growing. Furthermore, add fresh, well-draining soil every spring if not transplanting.
Neon Philodendron vs Neon Pothos
If you quickly look at the Neon Philodendron vs the Neon Pothos it may be tricky to tell them apart. Specifically, their coloring is quite similar.
However, if you look close enough you will see actually see different leaf shapes. Additionally, they each have a different texture as well. Furthermore, they also differ by their aerial roots, new growth, and petioles.
Read all about Philodendron vs Pothos plants in our post here.
Indeed, Lemon Lime Philodendron is toxic to humans and pets if ingested as they contain calcium oxalates. In fact, all parts of the plant are toxic. Specifically causing swelling in the mouth, difficulty breathing, irritation in the stomach, and vomiting.
Therefore, keep away from children and cats and dogs. Prune any long vines to avoid tempting pets or small children. For more information please visit the ASPCA list of Toxic and Non-Toxic Plants.
Neon Philodendron plants are rarely affected by pests. However, it is possible so inspect for pests regularly. The major pests that affect the Lemon Lime Philodendron are mealybugs, thrips, spider mites, gnats and aphids.
Consequently, these pests feed off the plant by sucking sap from the leaves. Eventually, this causes wilting and eventual drying of the plant if you don’t control them.
See related Article: Mealybug and Pest Eradication
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Philodendron Lemon Lime
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