Crassula Ovata or Jade plants are very low maintenance plants. However, Jade plant problems and pests can happen. Let’s review some Crassula Ovata Care tips. Thus, keeping your Jade Plant happy and healthy. Specifically, saving your dying Crassula ovata.
- Leggy Jade Plant
- Jade Plant leaning to one side
- Brown Spots on Jade Plant
- Jade Plant Sunburn
- Jade Plant Water Salts
- Jade Plant Overfertilization
- Natural Causes
- Fixing Brown Jade Plant Leaves
- Jade Plant leaves turning black
- Jade Plant Fungus
- Jade Plant Diseases
- Overwatered Jade Plant
- Jade Plant Leaves Falling Off
- Jade Plant Leaves Turning Yellow
- Jade Plant drooping
- Jade Plant Branches Falling Off
- Jade Stem is Mushy
- Wrinkled Jade Leaves BUT Soil is Moist
- How to fix an Overwatered Jade plant
- Underwatered Jade Plant
- Jade Plant leaves turning yellow and wrinkled
- Jade Plant Roots on Stem
- Wrinkled Jade Plant leaves
- Jade Plant Pests
- White spots on Jade Plant
Water thoroughly and then wait until plant is completely dry before watering again.
Jade plants do well in full sun to bright indirect light, but will survive in reduced lighting conditions.
30-50% humidity is best
Performs best at room temperature (65° to 75°F / 18° to 24°C). But, prefers cooler temps at night and in winter (down to 55°F / 13°C).
Prefers a well-draining soil
Use a liquid fertilizer at half strength once every six weeks. Do not fertilize when the soil is dry.
KRASS-oo-luh or KRASS-you-luh oh-VAH-tuh
Common Name
Jade Plant, Money Plant, Money Tree, Friendship Tree, Crassula Jade
Scientific Name
Crassula Ovata
Slightly toxic for humans and pets. It will not cause death or serious illness, but can cause nausea. Definitely best to keep away from children and pets.
Healthy Jade Plants come in different shades and color. For example, a Jade Plant that gets more sun will have a red outline, lighter green leaves, and shiny leaves. However, a darker healthy Jade will have less sun, but still healthy and shiny. Next, let’s review some common Jade plant problems and pests.
Watch our Jade Plant Problems and Pests VIDEO below or keep reading.

Is you leggy Jade plant growing stretched out? If your compact Jade Plant has grown more elongated and leggy, it may in fact be looking for more light. Specifically, lack of sunlight causes branches and leaves to become stretched out as it seeks to access sunlight.
First, move your leggy Jade Plant to a brighter location. A south or east facing window will provide the most sunlight indoors. Also, be sure to slowly acclimate your plant if moving it to a sunnier location to avoid sunburn.
Finally, avoid sudden changes that may shock your plant. For example, try not to move the plant from a low light setting indoors to full sun outdoors right away. Therefore, slowly increase the amount and intensity of sunlight your Jade plant receives.
If you are unable to provide more sunlight for your indoor succulents, a grow light is a great option. In fact, it provides more light for those hard to reach areas indoors. However, watch how your plant reacts when moving to a different location, when using a grow light, or when making any sort of adjustments. Definitely adjust and make changes as needed.
How to prune a Jade Plant
Unfortunately, once your leggy Jade plant stretches out it, that branch will never grow compact again. You will need to prune your succulent back if you want your Jade plant to grow bushier.
First, fix your leggy jade plant by selectively pruning stretched stems to encourage new growth. Or, pinch off the growing tips on the stems. Finally, prevent leggy Jade plants by providing more sunlight or supplementing with a grow light.
If your Jade Plant is not getting enough light it may end up growing towards the light and leaning. Therefore, find a brighter spot for your plant. Or, rotate your Jade to ensure it gets light evenly.
Are your Jade Plant leaves showing brown spots, black spots or yellow leaves? Definitely keep reading to learn more about Jade Plant problems for leaves.
There are several reasons why there may be brown spots on your Jade Plant. Therefore, let’s review the most common reasons. For example: sunburn, temperature extremes, excessive salts and overfertilization. Also, later in the article we will cover pests, disease, or even just natural aging.
The most common reason for brown or dark spots on the leaves of Jade plants is sun damage or sunburn. Specifically, this can happen if the plant is exposed to direct full sun. Or, if the plant was recently moved to a sunny location without acclimating it first.
Indeed, very common if you are moving your Jade Plant outdoors after being indoors all winter.
Avoid Jade Plant Sunburn
First, properly acclimate your Jade Plant by starting off with a few hours of morning sun. Then, slowly increase the amount of time your Jade Plants are spending in the sunshine. In fact, even plants that are acclimated to full sun can develop brown leaves during very intense temperatures or drought.

Another cause of Jade plant sunburn is water left on the leaves. Definitely make sure leaves are fully dry before putting your plants in the sun. In fact, water magnifies the sun and can cause the leaves to burn. Also, learn more about sunburned succulent care here.
Brown spots or leaf burn on your Jade Plant could also be from too much salts. Specifically, if you live in an area that naturally has salts or minerals in the tap water. Therefore, these salts and minerals can cause your Jade Plant to develop brown spots on its leaves.
First, the water gets taken up by the root system to the leaves. Then, the leaves give off the water through transpiration. The leaves can only release water, not the salts. Finally, when the salts get left behind, they can burn the leaves.
The problem will show on most of the leaves on their upper surface and at the tips. Also, if the brown tips are excessive you may want to try giving your Jade Plant filtered or rain water.
Overfertilization can cause leaf burn if you happen to give your Jade Plant too much fertilizer. Therefore, only feed your Jade plant during the growing season. Also, be sure to follow all package directions so you do not give it too much.
Older leaves occasionally turn brown and die off for no apparent reason. Since the lower leaves are typically the oldest, these tend to be shed the most. In fact, a few leaves dropping here and there is normal.
However, pay attention to any increase in shedding. A struggling plant sometimes conserves energy by dropping old leaves. Specifically to concentrate energy on newer growth. Especially if it has been overwatered.
Pests can be a cause of Jade plant leaves turning brown or yellow. The most common invaders are mealybugs, scale, and spider mites. In fact, Scale can actually look like small brown spots or bumps on Jade Plant leaves.
These small legless insects can be hard to discern because they seem like part of the plant. Definitely try wiping a suspicious spot with isopropyl alcohol and see if it comes off. Also, small colonies can be removed by dabbing them with alcohol.
Thoroughly cover the leaves and stems with neem oil or an insecticidal soap if you have a full-blown infestation. A solution of two parts water to one part isopropyl alcohol with a squirt of dawn dish soap can also be effective.
These gentle pesticides work on contact. Therefore, make sure the plant is covered completely. Definitely follow up until the infestation is gone.
Scale, Spider mites, and mealybugs can be treated the same way. Also, we will cover Jade Plant pests in more depth later on in this post.
There is nothing you can do to heal the leaves that have been sunburned on your Jade Plant. Although, over time they will grow out leaving your succulent looking its best again.
However, if your Jade Plant leaves are more than 50% sunburned, definitely remove them. Specifically because you do not want significant energy trying to save a sunburned leaf. And, new growth is where you want that energy spent.
If your only option is to keep your Jade Plant in direct afternoon sun, you can use a shade cloth. This will help diffuse the sun’s intense rays.
Additionally, greenhouse windows can be whitewashed with shade paint to provide shade in the hottest months. Also, they can be washed in cooler months if preferred.
Seeing black spots on your Jade plant? Unfortunately, this is such a disappointment. Believe me when I say how upsetting this can be!
What are the black spots on Jade plant leaves?
The reason Jade plant leaves and stems turn black is because of root rot which is caused by damp soil around the roots or high humidity. Furthermore, black spots on Jade plant leaves are also caused by over watering and slow draining soils.
Unfortunately, there are several fungal pathogens that can affect Jade Plants. Despite which fungus is plaguing your Jade Plant, the treatment is the same.
Jade Plant Powdery Mildew
Powdery mildew (Sphaerotheca) is a common garden fungal pathogen. In particular, it covers the leaves in a white haze that looks like it has been sprinkled with white flour. In addition, it thrives in warm, damp conditions.
Even so, it usually it isn’t fatal. However, it can create brown, scabby, or corky areas on the leaves. Although, these small pock marks on the leaves that can develop into larger lesions that are black and dry up the leaves.
On the other hand, there is an effective homemade treatment for Powdery Mildew. Mix together one tablespoon of baking soda, 1/2 teaspoon of non-detergent liquid soap, and a gallon of water. Definitely spray generously on Jade Plant leaves affected by powdery mildew. Additionally, you can apply a fungicide to protect healthy plants.
Jade Plant Anthracnose
Anthracnose is a fungus characterized by dark spots on Jade Plant leaves. These spots darken as they age and may also expand, covering the leaves. As well as that, it can cause defoliation of the tree. Unfortunately, it can destroy your Jade Plant quickly.
Fungal diseases such as anthracnose can disfigure jade plants when humidity is too high. It thrives under moist and warm conditions and is often spread by watering. Additionally, it can spread by insects, wind, and even using infected gardening tools.
Definitely, wipe pruning equipment with alcohol or other disinfectant to prevent the spread of disease. In addition to this, you can spray your plants with a copper-based fungicide.
Jade Plant Botrytis
Botrytis is a very common pathogen. It affects a wide range of plants and eventually develops a gray fuzzy appearance as it spreads its spores. Leaves are more gray than white, with a soft to mushy appearance. Unfortunately gray mold (Botrytis) is more serious than mildew. As a result, you may lose more of the plant before it’s beaten.
In fact, Botrytis spores fly easily in the air when conditions are optimal. They are moved by wind or splashing water. Additionally, the disease also spreads readily on your hands, pruning equipment, containers, and tools.
Therefore, immediately remove any leaves as soon as they show symptoms. New leaves will develop in their place. Also, do not touch the plant after you remove infected leaves. Otherwise you could spread the spores to other leaves with your fingers.
Spray both the upper and lower leaf surfaces and stems with a Biofungicides once every 2-3 weeks. Even more so, it is highly effective at preventing fungal diseases.
Crassula Ovata Jade plants are considered to be fairly trouble-free. A healthy Jade resists most diseases. However, issues can pop up from time to time.
Identifying and treating Jade Plant Diseases
Black spots on Jade plants could be due to several different factors. Mealybugs can cause stunted growth. Additionally, mealybug honeydew sap can encourage the growth of black sooty mold.
Sooty Mold on Jade Plant
This sooty mold makes the leaves look like they are covered in black soot. However, sooty mold appears in larger patches. As opposed to just spots.
Black ring disease Jade Plant
Black ring virus occasionally strikes Jade Plants. In fact, they spread by feeding insects. This virus is not deadly. However, it just makes the plant not look so hot. Also, the black spots from Black ring virus typically appear on the undersides of the leaves.

The Crassula Ovata Jade Plant originates in rocky or sandy areas of South Africa. It thrives with little care under normal household conditions when planted in well-draining soil. Indeed, soil MUST dry out before watering again. In fact, if you water your plant too often, the leaves take up the excess water and swell.
Edema Jade Plant
The swollen leaves then develop brown or rust-colored spots, often on the underside of the leaves. This problem, referred to as edema, will affect most of the leaves on your Jade Plant at the same time.
Like other succulents, the Jade Plant is susceptible to root rot if kept in waterlogged soil. The stem will literally rot. In fact killing your Jade Plant.
Is your Jade Plant losing leaves with the slightest touch or bump? This is a classic early warning sign of overwatering. Overwatering can cause the leaves to shrivel.
Instead of a wilted shriveled appearance, leaves appear limp and weak. They fall off from too much water. The stem can also appear puffy or mushy.
Fix an Overwatered Jade Plant that is losing leaves
First, pull your plant out from the soil and check to make sure roots are still healthy. Second, check the stem for any black or brown mushy spots. If the roots look healthy, repot in dry well-draining soil. Finally, hold off on watering your Jade Plant for a while.
If the stem has any black or dark brown spots it is a sign of rot. First, cut the Jade Plant stem above the rot. Second, leave the cutting to callus over for a week. Third, stick the cutting in dry soil. Hopefully it will grow roots again. Finally, Hold off on watering until the leaves slightly pucker.
You can also place your Jade Plant cutting in water for water propagation. Definitely my favorite way to propagate! Be sure not to place your Jade Plants in water until after the ends have callused over. Find more about succulent water propagation here.
It is normal for the lower bottom leaves to eventually die over time as pictured above. Leaves can also turn yellow from watering issues. If the plant is well watered and the leaves are turning yellow, feel mushy and swollen, the plant is being overwatered.
Pull off any unhealthy leaves and go through the steps above to make sure your plant is healthy. Also, pay attention to other things that are going on with your Jade Plant.
If your Jade Plant branches are drooping it could be from a few things. Of course overwatering would be the most common issue. A rotting stem is not strong enough to hold up its weight. Therefore it droops and can eventually fall over. Follow instructions given above to save your Jade Plant.
If your Jade Plant branches are falling off it may be from too much moisture. Overwatering or even excessive rain can lead to root rot. Follow instructions given above to salvage any possible Jade Plant cuttings.
If your Jade stems are mushy and you have ruled out overwatering, it may have gotten too cold and frozen. Once your plant goes mushy there is not much you can do but to save the mushy portion of the stem. Follow the same steps as mentioned above for Jade plants losing their leaves. Cut your succulent stem above the mushy rot and leave the cutting to callus over for a week. Place in water or soil after the end has callused over.
Jade Plant Root Rot
Avoid root rot and overwatering by only watering when the soil is dry or when leaves start to shrivel slightly. If you live in a climate with higher humidity, your Jade Plants will need less water. Remember indoor plants with less light will also use less water.
For watering, the rule of thumb is to poke your finger at least 1 inch deep into the soil and if it feels dry water it. Jade Plants rarely die because of lack of water, so less is better. If you need an inexpensive fool proof way of watering try a moisture meter. It really helped me when I was new to succulents.
Is the soil of your Jade Plant moist, but leaves are still puckering and wrinkled? It may not be getting enough sun, or not drying out enough in between watering.
Most people think a wrinkled Jade plant leaves mean it needs water. This is not always the case. Jade actually needs less water than most succulents. In fact, only water when the soil is completely dry.
It is best to prevent edema and root rot by not overwatering your plant. First, if you have overwatered it, help the plant give off the excess water by making the air drier, warmer and better ventilated around the plant. Second, if the soil is soggy, remove the plant from the pot and gently remove the saturated soil from the roots of your Jade Plant.
Third, refill the pot with fresh, dry, well-draining soil. Position your jade plant to its original growing position. Jade Plants with edema should not be placed in direct sunlight or in a cold, dark room.
Finally, make sure that your Jade plant is potted in a pot with drainage holes. Remove any debris that may block water from draining properly. In fact, good drainage is vital to the health of Jade Plants and works to keep the soil dry.
I like to use inexpensive drywall tape or coffee filters to cover the drainage holes on my potted plants. Also, be sure to empty saucers after watering if needed. Jade Plants do not like wet feet. Therefore, do not allow them to sit in water filled saucers for extended periods.
Jade Plants are super low maintenance. For example, one of the main reasons is because they actually tell you when they need water. Specifically, the leaves will start to slightly pucker. Also, there can even be a slight upward curl on the wrinkled leaves.
Give your Jade Plant a nice drink and it will plump back up in a day or two. Definitely one of the easiest Jade Plant problems to fix.
What does an underwatered jade plant look like?
See the comparison of the Jade Plants below. The Jade on the left is in need of water. Leaves are slightly starting to pucker. On the right they have started to plump back up after being watered.
Let’s review a few more indicators that show your Jade plant is in need of some water.
Pictures of underwatered Jade Plant
Overwatering and underwatering can both cause the leaves to turn yellow. If the leaves are turning yellow, shriveling and wilting, and you know you have not watered your plant for a while, then the plant is most likely underwatered.
As mentioned earlier, it is perfectly normal for the bottom leaves on your succulent to die as they grow. You can gently pull away the dead leaves to leave your Jade Plant looking fresh. Although, technically this would not be considered one of the Jade Plant problems.
Jade Plant White Spikes
Generally aerial roots (adventitious roots) will form on a Jade Plant that is not getting enough water. In fact, these air roots may even look like white spikes on your Jade plant. Additionally, succulents send out aerial roots when grown in a humid environment. Jade Plant aerial roots mostly absorb air, water, and nutrients from the air.
Another reason your Jade Plant may sent out air roots is for support. In fact, if your plant is leaning, succulents can send out aerial roots for stability. If the plant senses it is a bit tall or falling over, it grows air roots to potentially anchor itself.
Well draining soil is the key to the overall health of your succulent. If you are not using proper watering techniques for your Jade Plant, it may not be getting enough water. Therefore, it may begin searching for more. This is when aerial roots start to form. Specifically, your Jade Plant is telling you it is thirsty and needs a deeper watering.
Is your succulent stretched out and developing air roots? It could be due to lack of sunlight. Lack of sunlight can sometimes cause Jade Plants to put out air roots. While this isn’t always the case, it is more likely for a succulent to send off aerial roots when it is starting to stretch out.
If you are watering correctly, you likely won’t see aerial roots at all. You are more likely to encounter air roots with Jade Plants that grow quickly and are in their active growing season.
While aerial roots are not a huge problem, they are something you should be aware of. Specifically so you know how to adjust the care of your succulent. Indeed, this is an early warning sign that your succulent is not as healthy as it could be. Read more about air roots in our article here.
If your Jade leaves wrinkled and are puckering, this could be caused by lack of water. When leaves appear withered and shriveled, often from the top leaves of the plant first, the plant is most likely in need of water. This is one of the easiest Jade Plant problems to correct.
Watering your plant sparingly, plus shriveled leaves, equals an under watering problem. This can easily be remedied by giving your Jade Plant a deep watering.
Also, avoid spraying the leaves with water as this will not do the trick. Succulents take up water from their roots. Misting the foliage also slows transpiration and increases turgidity. Within a day or two of the deep watering, the leaves should plump back up.
Crassula Ovata Jade Plants are relatively carefree succulents. However, they are susceptible to some unwanted pests. Keep reading to learn more about Jade Plant pests.
Are you finding sticky web-like substances on your Jade Plant? Mealybugs are one of the most common pests in succulents and cacti. Their name comes from the waxy or mealy white material they produce.
An early sign your plants have mealybugs is the white cottony substance you see on your plants. Chances are you will see the white fluff before spotting the mealybugs.
These little devils secrete honeydew or a sugary substance. Thus, promoting the growth of mold. Therefore, making the plant more susceptible to bacterial and fungal infections. You can usually spot them on the leaves or the underside of leaves, and between the joints of the plant.
How to treat mealybugs on Jade Plants
First, swab a Q-tip dipped in rubbing alcohol and apply directly on the bugs. Or, you can also use a spray bottle mixed with 1 part rubbing alcohol, 1 part water, and 2 drops of Dawn dish soap. Next, spray directly into the mealybugs.
Alternatively, you can also use an insecticidal soap. Indeed the best way to kill evil mealybugs.
Unfortunately, mealy bugs do not disappear that easily and it may take a few treatments to get rid of the problem. Indeed one of the worst Jade Plant problems. Repeat the treatment about once a week as needed, until the problem is resolved.
Also, isolate the infected plant to avoid contaminating your other plants. Mealybugs can spread from plant to plant so be sure to keep infected plants away from healthy plants. Read more about mealybug eradication here.
Spider mites can also cause the white spots on your Jade Plant. In fact, Spider mites are red in color and hide in your plant’s soil. Additionally, they can make a web on the leaves. In fact, if not treated, they can kill the plant.
The white speckles do not necessarily harm the plant, but it is good to find out the cause of the white spots so they can properly be treated. They typically only occur on the top of the leaves and the edges, and do not usually cover the whole plant. It is a cosmetic decision as to whether you want to remove these white ‘speckles’.
There are over a thousand species of scale, which vary in shapes, sizes and color. Two specific groups of scales commonly attack succulent. Armored scale and the soft scale insects.
If you see small, brown bumps on your succulent, then you may have a scale problem. These insects like to eat the sap of succulents. Specifically, damaging the plants and making them susceptible to diseases.
How to get rid of Scale on Jade Plant
First, remove any visible insects you see from your plant either by hand or by hosing them off. Then, scrape off or spray off any visible bugs from your plants. If the scale problem is not that bad, you can physically remove them from your plant. Finally, you can treat scales the same as you would with mealybugs.
Some have success with neem oil in treating scales. If the infestation is severe, neem oil may not be enough. First, dilute 1 tablespoon or 15 ml of neem oil in 8 cups of water and mix well. Next, spray the solution onto infested areas. Also spray the undersides of the leaves. Additionally, when using neem oil, do so at night. This prevents burning your plant from sun damage.
Jade Plant leaves can be deformed or misshapen for a few different reasons. Watering issues, slack of nutrients, or pests could be to blame. Let’s review each issue that may cause deformed Jade leaves
Why are my jade plant leaves deformed?
Leaves can become misshapen from watering issues mentioned above. Either the plant is receiving too little or too much water. Too little and the leaves start to shrivel. Too much water and the leaves become soggy and soft and may also wrinkle.
Lack of nutrients in your potting soil can also cause misshapen leaves. If your plant has been in the same pot for more than a few years, the potting soil may be depleted of its nutrients. In turn, the leaves will sometimes turn yellow or discolor and also start appearing misshapen.
Most commercial succulent potting soil comes with added compost or fertilizer in the mix. The plants can feed on those nutrients for quite some time. Eventually these nutrients are flushed out of the soil from constant watering
Mealybugs can also cause misshapen leaves. They suck the fluids from leaves and stems, robbing plants of essential nutrients in the process. Be sure to follow the mealybug instructions mentioned above to eradicate them.
How To Fix Jade Plant's Deformed Leaves
Repot your Jade Plant with fresh well-draining potting soil or by adding fertilizer. Use a well balanced fertilizer at half strength or a fertilizer specifically formulated for cacti and succulents. Cacti and succulents are not heavy feeders and do not require a lot of fertilizers. Feed about every two weeks during the growing season.
Have you ruled out mealybugs and still see tiny white spots on your Jade Plant leaves? These white speckles are actually mineral deposits on the leaves that can be caused by either the soil, hard water (excess salts), over-watering, over-fertilizing, fungal disease (powdery mildew) or other pests. Just think how your old terracotta pots look with the white markings. It is basically the same issue that happens with Jade Plants.
In fact, minerals are expelled and reveal themselves as little white dots. Let’s delve into a few causes of these white spots on your Jade Plant.
If the white speckles wipe off easily, they are most likely salt deposits. Hard Water that is high in calcium can be damaging to your houseplants as the gradual build up of salts can ‘burn’ the plants’ roots. Furthermore, this stops them from being able to absorb water well. Indeed, affecting the general health of your Jade Plant.
Jade plants take water through the roots and evaporation takes place through the leaves. Therefore, some salt residue remains on the leaf.
If it bothers you you could try using rainwater for watering your plants. Or, letting your water sit out for 24 hours before using it. Easily wipe off Jade leaves with a moist towel to restore the shiny green leaves.
Mineral build up in the soil can also cause white spots on your Jade Plant. In fact, this can happen to any of your succulents due to the plants’ uptake of nutrients over time.
Succulents need infrequent repotting. Therefore, the nutrients in the soil can gradually get depleted. Especially if your plant has been in the same pot for years.
This can cause a mineral imbalance or just a potting mix that no longer has enough nutrients to sustain a healthy plant. Therefore, consider changing the soil change or a soil refresh.
Additionally, if your potting soil has a slow release fertilizer in it, then you want to make sure you aren’t “double feeding” by over fertilizing. Excess fertilizer can also exacerbate salt build up too.
Edema is a condition caused by the excess of water in the plant. It happens when the roots take up more water faster causing imbalances. The plant then fails to use all the water in the plant. The excess water may cause rupture of cells in the leaves. Possibly causing blisters that form white spots on Jade Plant leaves.
As mentioned earlier in this post, Powdery Mildew is a fungal disease that affects many plants. Fungal disease can form white spots on the plant during winter. This is due to colder temperatures and excessive humidity.
During winter, sunshine is limited and light is also low. As a result, plants receive improper circulation. The watered plants go for a longer time being moist without receiving light and sunlight which results in fungal spores. These conditions breed the powdery mildew fungal disease.
Powdery mildew can easily be treated easily if caught early. It will have less effects on your Jade Plant if you treat it in the early stages. An effective home remedy consists of baking soda (one tablespoon), non-detergent liquid soap (1/2 teaspoon) and water (gallon).
You can mix the contents and spray the soil directly daily. Repeat the process daily, until spores disappear. Finally, the spray can control the spores that can be seen as white spots on the plant.
Indeed Jade Plants are generally low maintenance. However, like other succulents, they have a high chance of getting overwatered. Therefore, proper care is suggested to keep your favorite succulent in shape for many years to come.
To ensure this, we have reviewed many common Jade Plant problems and pests. You should have plenty of information that covers everything you need to know about Jade Plants care.
Also, you should know how to take care of your jade plant and water it appropriately to avoid both overwatering and underwatering. By now you should be aware of the signs that indicate overwatering and other pests that may plague your Jade Plant.
In closing, I really hope this was helpful for you! Feel free to comment below if you have further questions or problems. Furthermore, I’d love for you to share any Jade plant care tips as well.
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