Hibiscus Flower | How to keep hibiscus blooming
Hibiscus flowers are stunning. Want to learn how to keep your hibiscus flowers blooming? Keep on reading.
They always seem to remind me of Hawaii! The yellow hibiscus (Hibiscus brackenridgei) is actually Hawaii’s state flower. Also known as pua aloalo or pua mao hau hele in Hawaiian, the hibiscus represents royalty, communicated power, and respect. Native to the Hawaiian Islands, the Hibiscus brackenridgei is endangered. If you encounter one, be sure to treat the plant with care.
Hibiscus plants have gorgeous flowers that add the perfect pop of color for your garden or sunny bright areas inside. Flowers are bright, colorful and large. There are over 300 different hibiscus plant varieties. Offering many flower colors to choose from. In addition to flowers, hibiscus plants also have gorgeous foliage. Leaves are glossy, strong and make a great contrast to flowers with their deep, dark green color.
With just a small amount of hibiscus care, you will be rewarded with beautiful blooms. To help your hibiscus produce more flowers, follow the tips below.
The most important factor in lots of hibiscus blooms is temperature. These plants grow in tropical climates in their natuve habitat. For best results and lots of blooms, hibiscus should be grown in temperatures between 60°F – 95°F (15.56°-35°C) for the majority of the time.
These are sun-loving plants. However, it does not thrive in locations that are too hot and bright. If you live in a hot area, position your hibiscus in partial sun. In cooler climates, place your hibiscus in full sun. Preferably a location that receives full sun all day or at least 6 hours. More sun will produce more flowers. This is key to help your hibiscus thrive and produce lush flowers. If you live in an area prone to windy conditions, place plants in a protected location. Flowers are delicate and can tear easily.
Hibiscus is a water-loving plant. It is imperative that your hibiscus receives sufficient water in order for it to bloom. In some cases, depending on the heat and humidity, you might even need to water your plant on a daily basis. In some extremely dry conditions, watering twice per day may be required. Keep in mind, these beauties are tropical plants. It is best that they do not dry out.
Water the plant regularly and ensure that it drains well. Keep the soil surrounding the hibiscus moist but not soggy. A morning watering session will allow the excess water to dry off the plant. Keep a look out for dropping leaves or yellow leaves on the top of the plant. A definite sign that your hibiscus is not getting enough water.
On the other hand, make sure not to over-water. Hibiscus plants don’t like to be soaking wet. Therefore, it is important to provide adequate drainage for your hibiscus. Avoid watering the leaves as this will promote fungus/mildew growth. Your hibiscus should never sit in deep water. In cold weather, water only as much as the plant needs to avoid possible fungus disease that can attack the roots of the plant.
If you see yellow leaves in the middle of the plant, you are watering too much. Make sure to adjust your watering regime to give your hibiscus adequate amounts of water. This is the only way to make it thrive and produce wonderful flowers.
Adding fertilizer is the only way to give your plant all the nutrients it needs and to make it produce healthy blooms. Make sure to feed your hibiscus with this fertilizer every two weeks. Begin this regime once your hibiscus plant becomes established and new growth is seen. Use a fertilizer for blooming plants, such as Alaska Morbloom Fertilizer 0-10-10. This is formulated to promote blooming and vigorous root growth. To ensure that hibiscus receives essential nutrients, also fertilize monthly with Pennington UltraGreen Palm Tree & Hibiscus Plant Food 9-4-9. To maintain dark-green foliage, apply Pennington Epsom Salt monthly, per the instructions located on the packaging. Be sure to remove faded blooms and spotty leaves.
If you want your hibiscus to consistently produce flowers, do not plant in a container that is too deep. Deep containers make a healthy growing environment for your hibiscus. However, deep containers focus energy on producing roots rather than top growth and flowers. Therefore, resulting in less flowers. A perfect pot is wider than the plastic nursery pot it comes in, but not too deep.
Re-pot your hibiscus in January or February with fresh soil. Do this every other year. Use a slightly bigger pot and be sure to trim off badly tangled roots. Root-bound plants will not bloom well.
Tropical hibiscus requires temperatures above 45°F (7.22°C). Growing Hibiscus in containers in winter indoors is a great option for colder climates. Hibiscus needs at least 2-3 hours of direct sun per day. This may be difficult for containers indoors depending on your plant’s location. By a South, East or West facing is preferrable.
Hibiscus plants will require less water during winter. Although, some water is still needed. If your heater produces a lot of hot dry air in winter, you will need to water more frequently. In winter, remove any flower buds that are produced. You want to prevent your plant from flowering during winter indoors.
If placing hibiscus in a shed, basement or garage, be sure to do so before temperatures drop below 32 °F (0°C). It will lose leaves and will not flower during this time. Water about once a month to keep the roots slightly moist.
In the spring pinch the tips of the stems to encourage more blooms. This will cause the main stems to branch out into multiple stems. The hibiscus should produce blooms on all of these tips. Gradually introduce more water and sunlight if it has been indoors. Make sure to move your hibiscus outdoors, only after the night temperatures rise above 50°F (10°C).
Hibiscus Flower Questions
How long do hibiscus flowers last?
Although the hibiscus bloom arrives in a showy flash of sizzling color, this display generally only lasts for a day or two in most varieties. There are a few whose blooms look good after 2 or 3 days. When cooler weather slows the plants’ processes, blooms do last longer than during the summer.
Hibiscus flower edible?
Typically grown for ornamental purposes, hibiscus is also well known for its culinary and medicinal uses. You can eat the raw flower straight from the plant. However, it is usually used for tea, relishes, jam, drinks, or salads. Hibiscus flowers have a mild flavor and can be used in the same way as squash blossoms. Stems, roots, and leaves contain a milky sap which has a wide range of culinary uses.
Hibiscus tree for sale
Hibiscus Flower | How to keep hibiscus Blooming
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