Succulents generally do not require a lot of maintenance. Bottom leaves will brown and die off as the Echeveria grows. Without a doubt, this is totally normal. Be sure to remove dead leaves to keep the plant healthy. More importantly, so that they do not attract pests like the evil mealybug!
Mealybugs are the biggest pest threat to your succulents. They love to hide in crevices on your Echeverias. Therefore, be sure to inspect your plants regularly. Signs of mealybugs will appear in the form of a white cottony web or disfigured leaves. Be sure to eradicate them immediately.
These insects drink the sap out of plants. In addition to secreting honeydew that attracts ants. A Q-tip dipped in alcohol or spraying with an organic pest killing soap will do the trick. Read my complete post on mealybugs eradication here.
Aphids are less common but still a potential threat to Echeverias. Like mealybugs, they suck out the sap. If left untreated, they will eventually kill your succulent. Nevertheless, protect your echeveria by applying diatomaceous earth to the soil and neem oil to the succulent. Also, use an insecticidal soap to control existing infestations.
Vine weevil is a black beetle (flightless) that chews through leaves. Specifically causing leaves to turn yellow and wilt. Diatomaceous earth will prevent them. Unfortunately, vine weevils are resistant to most sprays. Removing them manually is the most effective remedy for infestations. Furthermore, since vine weevils are nocturnal, you’ll be able to find them easily at night.
Learn more about Mealybug and pest eradication here.