Delosperma echinatum (Pickle Plant)

Delosperma echinatum (Pickle Plant)

Delosperma echinatum (Pickle Plant)

The Delosperma echinatum  is commonly known as Pickle Plant, Pickle Cactus, or Hedgehog Ice plant. This South African native is more of a horizontal grower. Although, it is not uncommon to find these succulents with heights reaching up to 18 inches (45 cm).

Both the leaves and stems and of this fuzzy plant are covered with spiny white hairs. 

FUZZY SUCCULENTS Soft & Velvety Plants Delosperma echinatum Pickle Plant

Pickle Plant Care

Delosperma echinatum plants prefer well-draining soil under full sun or partial shade. Also, these perennial plants can be grown outdoors in warmer areas. In fact, they are not particular about soil type. However, they do need well drainage soil to grow at a fast pace.

Additionally, Pickle plants belong to the hardiness zone of 7a to 10b and the frost tolerance is 5° F (-15° C).

Hedgehog Tropical Ice Plant

Delosperma – Succulent House Plant – 2″ Pot

Delosperma echinatum Water

Like most succulents, Pickle plants do not like to be overwatered. In fact, the soil should be allowed to dry out completely in between watering. Also, ensure you give them a good soak and always allow the excess water to drain from the pot.

moisture meter is an excellent tool to help you familiarize yourself with your plants watering needs. They are inexpensive and super easy to use. Perfect for a new plant parent or a novice gardener.

Delosperma echinatum Fertilizer

Fertilize your Pickle plant in spring and summer with a general-purpose houseplant fertilizer. Definitely follow the directions on the product packaging. Specifically, because application rates and frequencies vary by brand.

Pickle Plant Flowers

Look for dainty yellow flowers in spring and summer. In fact, they close at night and reopen the next day. Pickle Plants flowers readily and often. 

Pickle Plant Propagation

You can propagate Delosperma echinatum by division, cuttings, or seeds. Cuttings can be taken in fall, spring, or summer. Although, for plant division, spring is the ideal season.

First, start by taking a stem cutting of 2-3 rows of pickles. Second, take off the bottom row of pickles. Third, once the ends have calloused over, plant the stem into soil or water. Additionally, the pickle leaves you take off can be planted straight into the soil as well.

Pro tip: Dip the ends of the cutting (or single leaves) in a rooting hormone to promote the development of roots.

Finally, wait about 2 weeks, and then finely mist the soil daily. Although, the soil should never be super wet. Once the plant starts producing roots, you can switch to regular watering measures.

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Delosperma echinatum (Pickle Plant)

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