Caladium lindenii is also known as Xanthosoma lindenii Magnifica. Veins are prominent and white to cream in color. Additionally, large leaves are yellow to deep-green and thin and leathery. Specifically, leaves are arrowhead-shaped, somewhat elongated, and slightly rounded with prominent ears. This Columbian native is most commonly known as the ‘Angel Wing’ plant amongst house plant collectors.
The cultivar grows from a rhizome and is commonly grown as an ornamental plant. Caladium is a tuberous plant which means the leaves will die back and it will go dormant. Once the plant has died back, you can save the tubers and put them in a bag to replant when it warms up again. Or you can leave them in the soil. This house plant variety is less common than other caladiums. Surely, a stand out from your other indoor plants.
Sun Exposure
Indoors: High light Indoors: Med light
Water Needs
Medium water needs
Water Needs
Dry When Dormant
Soil Care
Well-Drained, Rich
Special Features
Purifies the air
Foliage Color
White, Green
Foliage Season
Flower Color
White, Green
Caladiums are native to the tropical regions of South America, primarily Brazil. These plants have been a part of American and European gardens since the mid-1800s. Currently, there are approximately 16 different species commercially available. Read more about the many different Caladium varieties here.
Caladium Lindenii will perform best when positioned in a spot that has medium to bright indirect light. It thrives under both natural light and artificial light (such as a grow light). Your Caladium will become long and leggy if it is not getting not enough light. It will begin reaching for light. Correct this by moving to a sunnier spot. However, avoid direct afternoon sun. Especially in hot-summer climates. Too much direct sun, even through a window, can cause leaves to sunburn. Outdoors, Lindenii can be grown in a shaded spot.
Water your Caladium thoroughly and make sure that the soil is evenly moist. If the top inch or two of the soil is dry to the touch, then it is time to water. Allow water to flow through the pot’s drainage holes. Avoid overwatering your plant as it will bring about root rot problems. If it stays wet for extended periods, especially in short winter days, the roots will suffocate, die, and rot. When well watered, the foliage tends to stand upright. As it gets thirsty, the leaves tend to take on a droopy appearance.
Like most caladiums, Lindenii grows best in fertile, well draining soil. Be sure to not use soil that is too compacted or heavy. This can result in prolonged periods of water retention, resulting in root rot. Adding perlite or vermiculite to your potting soil will help improve drainage as well as improve aeration.
Push more growth from your xanthosoma by fertilizing during the growing season (spring and summer). Caladiums will appreciate a diluted dose of liquid fertilizer. Never apply more fertilizer than the packaging instructions recommend. Too much fertilizer can burn plant roots, causing leaves to die. When your caladium is ready for repotting, be sure to add some fresh potting soil. This will replenish the caladium’s nutrients. Repot your Lindenii Caladium after it doubles in size, or once a year (whichever comes first).
The most common pests that can attack your Caladium Lindenii are mealybug, thrips, aphids and whitefly. If you’ve found any pests on your plants, you should isolate them immediately to avoid them spreading to other plants. Learn how to eradicate plant pests here.
Lindenii produces whitish flowers that resemble calla lily flowers. The inflorescence consists of a green, rod-like spadix and white, petal-like spathe that surrounds the spadix like a hood.
The Caladium Lindenii is considered toxic if ingested. For instance, if any part of the plant is chewed or swallowed make sure to monitor for symptoms. Excessive salivation and swelling of the tongue, throat, lips, and mouth are possible side effects. Seek medical attention if symptoms persist.
Caladiums are flowering plants that go by many common names: Elephant Ears, Angel wings, Heart of Jesus and many more. There are over 1000 named cultivars of Caladium bicolor from the original South American plant. The species epithet “lindenii” was named after John Linden. He was a botanist who studied tropical plants in Colombia during the mid 1800s. This species was named Angel Wings because the pointed lobes at the leaf base look like wings.
You might see this plant sold under a variety of names as botanists have reclassified it several times. Caladium lindenii, Xanthosoma lindenii, and Phyllotaenium lindenii are different names of the same variety.
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