Pothos Varieties with pictures

Pothos Varieties with pictures

Several Pothos varieties exist and we are going to review each one. Pothos (pronounced POH-thows) are one of the most popular houseplants. This is due to their low maintenance and beauty. They are perfect for beginner plant parents. These hardy plants feature green leaves splashed and marbled in shades of yellow, cream, or white. Epipremnum (ep-ih-PREM-num) is its botanical name, but commonly referred to as Devil’s Ivy, Solomon Islands Ivy, Hunter’s Robe, Taro Vine, Money Plant, Ceylon creeper, or Ivy arum.(pronounced POH-thows).

Tradescantia sillamontana Care - White Velvet

Tradescantia sillamontana Care – White Velvet

Cobweb Spiderwort Care Tradescantia sillamontana Care – White Velvet Tradescantia sillamontana (pronounced trad-es-KAN-tee-uh See-yuh-MON-tah-nuh) care is easy. Commonly known as White Velvet, Cobweb Spiderwort or White Gossamer Plant. Named in reference to the plant’s surface that is covered entirely in dense. cobweb like, white hairs.  Leaves are arranged in a precise geometric shape on this …

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Marble Queen Pothos Care - Epipremnum Aureum 'Marble Queen

Marble Queen Pothos Care – EPIPREMNUM AUREUM

Native to French Polynesia, Marble Queen Pothos (POH-thows) are easy to care for and undemanding. A popular houseplant widely grown for its creamy white and green variegated foliage. Epipremnum aureum (ep-ih-PREM-num AW-re-um) is its botanical name, but commonly referred to as Marble Pothos, Devil’s Ivy, or Money Plant.

Echeveria Raindrops Propagation and Care

Echeveria Raindrops Propagation and Care

Echeveria Raindrops Propagation and Care Echeveria Raindrops Propagation and Care Guide for beginners and novice gardeners. This stunning hybrid is from the famed echeveria hybridizer Dick Wright. In fact, it gets its name from the round droplet-like bump that it develops as it matures. However, not all young ‘Raindrops’ have bumps. Although, they will develop …

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Crassula Tetragona Care

Crassula Tetragona Care – Miniature Pine Trees

The Crassula Tetragona ‘Miniature Pine Trees’ is easy to care for. It is also known as the Chinese Pine and is a unique succulent. Needle-like leaves and its shrubby appearance of Crassula tetragona (KRASS-yoo-luh tet-ra-GO-nuh) has led to the nickname Miniature Pine Trees. To clarify, this is not a type of pine and indeed a succulent plant. This South African native stands straight and adds great texture and height to any succulent arrangement.

ZZ Plant Complete Care Guide – Zamioculcas zamiifolia

ZZ Plant Complete Care Guide Here is your ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia) Complete Care Guide. Looking for an (almost) indestructible houseplant that is incredibly forgiving? Look no further than the Zamioculcas zamiifolia (pronounced Zam-ee-oh-KOOL-kass Zam-ee-FOH-lee-yuh). Commonly known as the ZZ Plant, Aroid Palm, Emerald Palm, or Zanzibar Gem. If you are notorious for killing plants, …

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Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi ‘Variegata’ Aurora Borealis

Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi ‘Variegata’ Aurora Borealis Bryophyllum fedtschenkoi variegata‘Variegated Lavender Scallops’ Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi ‘Variegata’ Aurora Borealis is commonly known as Variegated Lavender Scallops. An attractive succulent that is prized for bright ivory margins along highly scalloped leaves. These cream edges cast a soft pink band when exposed to increased light. The variegation on this plant is …

Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi ‘Variegata’ Aurora Borealis Read More »

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