Sansevieria 'Jade Hahnii’ - Bird's Nest Snake Plant

Sansevieria ‘Jade Hahnii’ (Bird’s Nest Snake Plant)

Sansevieria 'Jade Hahnii'

The Sansevieria Jade Hahnii is a dwarf variety. Also known as Jade Star or Jade Marginata. Jade Bird’s Nest or Bird’s Nest Snake Plant is a dark solid green with thin gold edges. 

Jade Star does better in lower light than those Snake Plants with bright variegation. It will not grow as tall as other snake plants commonly known as Laurentii or Zeylanica. 

Jade will not exceed 10 inches in height. Therefore, it a perfect candidate for those low light areas with space constraints. Additionally, Snake plants are drought tolerant and should only be watered when the soil is dry.


Occasional – Drought Tolerant. Only needs watering once or twice a month


Bright Shade – Mostly Shade


They prefer lower humidity in the air.


Performs best in temperatures between 59-74°F but will survive short periods of temps at 50°F


Prefers a well-draining soil


Fertilize plants twice a month at 1/2 strength during the growing season.


Susceptible to mealybugs, thrips, spider mites and aphids.


san-se-VEER-ee-uh try-Fash-ee-aw-tuh HAHN-eye

Common Name

Jade Bird’s Nest, Jade Hahnii, Jade Dwarf Snake Plant, Jade Star Sansevieria, Jade Dwarf Mother-in-Law Tongue, Jade Snake Plant, Jade Marginata

Scientific Name

Sansevieria ‘Jade Hahnii’


Mildly toxic if eaten. Keep away from children and animals.
Snake plants are one of the easiest and most adaptable houseplants around. Sansevieria trifasciata hahnii (san-se-VEER-ee-uh try-FASH-ee-aw-tuh HAHN-eye) is one of over 70 different species falling under the heading snake plant.

Watering Jade Hahnii

This member of the Agave family is a low maintenance succulent that only needs watering once or twice a month. Water thoroughly from below or at the base of the plant, only when the soil becomes dry. Any doubts about watering should result in waiting, as it is a drought-tolerant plant. If you really want to be sure, a inexpensive moisture meter can be a fool proof way of watering. Do not allow water to stand on the leaves. Be careful not to overwater as this can lead to root rot. Always plant in a pot with a drainage hole.

Jade Hahnii Humidity

Sansevieria Trifasciata ‘Jade Hahnii’ sometimes called Jade Star, grows well in high humidity levels and dry conditions. Keep it away from air vents or drafts as this can dry out your plant. It will need very little water in the winter.

Light for your Bird's Nest

Sansevieria thrives in moderate to bright, indirect light but will adapt to low light conditions too. In fact, Snake Plant varieties with darker leaves can handle lower light conditions better than those with brighter leaves. 
However, colors are enhanced in bright, filtered conditions. Definitely tolerates low light and partial shade, making it a popular office plant. In fact it is one of the top plants that grow in fluorescent lights.
Sansevieria Jade Hahnii
Sansevieria Jade Hahnii - Jade Bird's Nest

Jade Hahnii Soil

The Jade Hahnii Sansevieria acts as an indoor air purifier. Specifically removing toxins from indoor environments.
They tolerate many soil conditions. But, grows best in well draining soil. I prefer a soil amended with gravel, perlite, or pumice or coarse sand to allow good drainage. Additionally, a standard succulent or cactus mix combined with perlite is also an excellent choice for snake plants.
Jade Hahnii isn’t too picky about pH requirements. It does well in soil ranging from slightly acidic to slightly alkaline. 

Fertilize your Snake Plant

Use a fertilizer diluted at half strength if needed. Sansevieria Hahnii varieties are low maintenance plants and do not require a lot of supplementary feeding. Although, this plant is sensitive to over fertilizing. Therefore, only use fertilizer sparingly.

Jade Hahnii Propagation

The ‘Bird’s Nest’ succulents naturally propagate from underground rhizomes that run on top of or just beneath the surface of the soil. Propagation can be done by dividing the rootball, from offsets and from leaf cuttings. 
To propagate from a leaf, take leaf cuttings and have them callus over for a few days. Place them in water or soil in the same direction they normally grow. Upside down cuttings will not take root.
Propagation also works well by dividing the root ball. Separate and place each division in a new pot with a drainage hole. More on Propagating Snake Plants.
Snake Plant Care and Propagation | Sansevieria
Sansevieria trifasciata Laurentii Snake Plant Propagating in Water

Jade Hahnii Uses

The ‘Jade Hahnii’ is used outside as a groundcover and for edging.  It is drought resistant. Therefore, making it perfect for xeriscaping. Indoors it is easy to care for and makes an attractive, trouble-free houseplant.
Tolerates low humidity and goes without water for long periods. Jade Hahnii will suffer little from under watering but will really suffer from overwatering.
Sansevieria Jade Hahnii
Jade Hahnii Sansevieria
Creamy tan flowers bloom in mid-summer. Bird’s Nest will not die after it flowers. However, it will stop producing new leaves. In fact, the flowers apparently have a sweet aroma. Some of these plants, depending on the growing conditions, rarely flower. Furthermore, even very healthy plants may be stubborn and not produce flowers.

Snake Plant Toxicity

Mildly toxic if eaten. Keep away from children and animals as pets as all parts of the plant are toxic.

Grooming your Bird's Nest

Keep you Jade Bird’s Nest leaves shiny and glossy by dusting them with a soft damp cloth. Do not mist your snake plant because it can leave unsightly water spots on the leaves. Over time leaves may naturally die. Therefore, be sure to trim them back.
Sansevieria Jade Hahnii
'Jade Hahnii’ Sansevieria - Bird's Nest Snake Plant

Sansevieria 'Jade Hahnii' Repotting

Many Snake Plant lovers allow their Sansevieria to become root bound and do not transplant more often than once every two to five years. This will not necessarily hurt the plant. However, once the plant outgrows its current pot, repotting your Bird’s Nest Snake Plant will allow it to continue to thrive and grow. Furthermore, add fresh soil every spring if not transplanting.

Snake Plant Varieties

There are over 70 varieties of snake plants. To learn more about different snake plant varieties such as the Sansevieria Trifasciata ‘Cylindrica’, Sansevieria Trifasciata ‘Laurentii’, Futura Robusta, Futura Superba, and more, visit our blog post here.
Snake Plants rarely are affected by pests, but it can happen. The major pests that affect the Jade Snake plants are mealybugs, thrips, spider mites and aphids. These pests feed off the plant by sucking sap from the leaves. This causes wilting and eventual drying of the plant if you don’t control them. Learn more about pest eradication here.

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