Philodendron Burle Marx

Philodendron Burle Marx (Care & Propagation)

The Philodendron Burle Marx is a clumping aroid that has glossy, heart-shaped leaves. Copious leaves have deep lobes and delicate pale veining.

Named after the Brazilian landscape architect Roberto Burle Marx. Specifically world-famous for his designs of parks and gardens. In fact, more than 50 plants bear his name. 

An upright philodendron that looks great indoors or in your outdoor landscape. Additionally, in warmer climates it develops runners, making it perfect as a ground cover. Alternatively, it can climb if given support.


Regular watering required – weekly, or more often in extreme heat.


Filtered sun, partial shade, partial sun


65-70% humidity or even higher is ideal


Hardy in Zones 9-11. Performs best in temperatures between 65-80°F (18-27°C).


Prefers a well-draining soil


Fertilize plant weekly at 1/2 strength during the growing season with a liquid fertilizer.


Susceptible to mealybugs, thrips, spider mites and aphids.



Native to

North Brazil, Colombia and Ecuador

Family Name



Toxic if eaten. Keep away from humans and pets.


Reaches 1-2′ (30-60cm) tall, 6-8′ (1.8-2.4m) wide

Philodendron Burle Marx Scientific Name:

Philodendron burle-marxii G.M. Barroso

Philodendron Burle Marx price

Looking for a fast-growing and low-maintenance plant that will create a tropical atmosphere in your home? Then look no further than Philodendron Burle Marx. Featuring beautiful, exotic, foliage that is dark green in color. Definitely a fast-growing plant that spreads very quickly in the right conditions.
Philodendrons are very easy to grow tropical plants. Indeed because they require little care indoors or outdoors. Like other aroids, many species of Philodendron can be grown as houseplants, or outdoors in mild climates.
However, in very cold climates plant in containers and bring them inside during winter months. Be sure to avoid frost and freezing temperatures.

Philodendron Burle Marx Climbing

Burle Marx is a climbing plant which can be pointed to grow in whatever direction you want. Its jungle-like leaves are just stunning. They can be grown bushy by pruning back, or they can climb and creep vertically.

These plants require regular watering as a part of their care. The goal is to keep the soil moist, while making sure you don’t overwater your plant. Nor, dry the soil out. Overwatering can easily lead to different plant diseases and can cause root rot. 
Water weekly during spring and summer. In fact, even more often if the weather is warmer or more dry than usual. But, during the colder seasons, you can let the soil dry out a bit between watering. Therefore, water when the top few inches of the soil start to dry up. Furthermore, if you really want to be sure, use an inexpensive moisture meter. It’s my fool proof way of watering. 
Philodendron Burle Marx
Burle Marx Philodendron
Burle Marx likes a bit higher humidity. Definitely because it is a tropical plant. 65-70% humidity or even higher is ideal. On the other hand, it is quite tolerant of low humidity levels. 
When the air gets too dry indoors, you can mist your philodendron or use a humidifier. Also, a tray filled with rocks and a little water can also work.

Bright indirect light is preferred for Burle Marx plants. However, they can survive in low light environments. Although, growth will be quicker in brighter light.

These beauties are native to the rainforests of South America. Thus, they love filtered light. Outdoors, Burle Marx plants prefer at least partial shade. 

However, too much light or direct sunlight on your Burle Marx leaves can cause sunburn. It may appear a very light yellow and then turn brown. Unfortunately, the spots will never revert back to green. 

South and west facing windows may experience more intense sunlight during the afternoon. Therefore, you may need to provide your Burle Marx additional protection in these positions.

Philodendron Burle Marx
Philodendron Burle Marx
Burle Marx plants prefer well-draining nutritious soil. In fact, if it accumulates a lot of water without properly draining, your plant’s roots will suffocate and possibly die. Burle Marx soil’s ideal pH is 5.6 to 6.5 (acidic to mildly acidic). 
Philodendron Burle Marx likes moist soil, especially during the hot months. Therefore, never let the soil dry out completely, just the top layer.
Most Philodendrons are typically heavy feeders. Fertilize your Burle Marx once a week during the growing season in spring and summer. Specifically a liquid or slow release fertilizer, that’s high in nitrogen. 
If using an all-purpose fertilizer, make sure you use it at half-strength. Reduce to once a month in autumn and winter. Additionally, always water before you fertilize. Indeed, the soil must be moist.
The best time to propagate Burle Marx is during the growing seasons of spring and summer. In fact, a cutting from the plant can root in soil or root it in water. 
To begin with, grab sharp shears or clean scissors. Next, cut off a 3-4 inches of stem off a mature Philodendron Burle Marx. Then, let the cutting dry out for 3-5 days. 
After that, place the cutting in a jar or water or in a pot with potting soil. Water the cutting frequently if in soil. Change the water weekly if in a jar or water. Finally, ensure it gets the right amount of sunlight, optimal temperatures, and plenty of diluted fertilizer. 
If propagating in water, transfer to well-draining soil once there are significant roots growing.
Philodendron Burle Marx
Philodendron Burle Marx
When fully mature, Burle Marx can grow 1-2 feet (30-60 cm) tall and spread 6-8 feet (1.8-2.4 m) wide. It grows wonderfully when given background or sturdy support. If not, they grow in a spreading manner.
Philodendron Burle Marx
Philodendron Burle Marx
Burle Marx flowers in cultivation are rare. Insignificant flowers occasionally grow during the blooming season. In fact, flowers serve the purpose of reproduction. However, the plant’s primary feature is its foliage.
Indeed, toxic to humans and pets. Therefore, keep away from children and cats & dogs. Not to mention all parts of the plant are toxic. For more information please visits the ASPCA list of Toxic and Non-Toxic Plants
Trim Burle Marx once or twice every year to maintain its shape and bushy appearance. Wipe down leaves with a soft damp cloth. I like to use a clean microfiber towel
Philodendron Burle Marx
Philodendron Burle Marx
Repot your Burle Marx every couple of years. Definitely keep an eye on the roots coming out of the pot’s drainage holes. Or, if you notice your plant stops growing. Furthermore, add fresh soil every spring if not transplanting. 
Be sure to check out the stunning Philodendron Burle Marx Variegated and Philodendron Burle Marx Fantasy varieties as well. 
Burle Marx Plants rarely are affected by pests. However, it can happen. The major pests that affect the Snake plants are mealybugs, thrips, spider mites and aphids. Consequently, these pests feed off the plant by sucking sap from the leaves. Eventually, this causes wilting and eventual drying of the plant if you don’t control them.

See related Article: Mealybug and Pest Eradication

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